Layoffs, Strikes, Alimony and Child Support
Child support and Alimony in Michigan are typically based upon the income of each person and a variety of other factors. Currently there are a number of auto workers and health care workers that are on strike and many that have been temporarily laid off. Most of these workers will not be earning their regular income while going through this situation which of course poses a problem to meeting their own needs let alone any child support or spousal support obligations. Conversely, if you are the recipient of support or alimony and you are on strike or laid off, you could potentially seek an increase in the support amount. if you are facing issues or have questions regarding payment of support or collection of support, contact us either online or call (248) 608-4123 to schedule a consultation.
What Should I Do While I Am on Strike or Laid Off?
In most cases, the loss or decrease in income should only be temporary but that does not mean there is nothing you can do to lessen your court ordered support obligations or increase your monthly support if you are the recipient of the support and have lost income. In the case of child support, you should file a motion requesting a temporary reduction in your child support. You must state, at a minimum in the motion the reason for the change of circumstances regarding your income and what your current income as a result. When it comes to alimony or spousal support, it really depends on whether your alimony is modifiable or non-modifiable. If it is modifiable, then you should file a motion, if it is non-modifiable, you may still seek some temporary relief by filing a motion.
In either case, these payments are not retroactively modifiable, this means that you should file the motion as soon as possible because you can only change the amount of support for any payments that become due after you file the motion. In addition, to filing the motion with the court, you will have to schedule a hearing date, serve a copy on the other person and file a proof of service with the court.
Find the Answers
You can always attempt to file the motion and schedule the hearings on your own, but when it comes to the arena of family law in particular, it is always better to hire a good fchild support or alimony lawyer to represent you. If you are facing issues regarding payment of child support or have concerns about the ability to collect support, please do not hesitate to contact us to schedule a consultation through our website or by calling us at (248) 608-4123.
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